friday 14 February , 2025
mapa induxtra Induxtra España induxtra portuguesa


C/Pere Alsius N.2 Pi.4 · Apt. de correos 87
17820 Banyoles , GIRONA
Tel. (+34) 972 582 400 · Fax (+34) 972 582 424

C/Mas Carreras · 17834 Usall (Porqueres), GIRONA
Tel. (+34) 972 574 037 / (+34) 972 570 349
Fax (+34) 972 575 489


Urb. Industrial do Carvalhinho
Rua da Indústria, lote7 · 2860-706 Moita
Tel. +351 21 280 6440 · Fax +351 21 280 6449

Contact form

If you have any questions or would like further information, please complete the following form and we will send you a reply as soon as possible.

Note: fields marked with an asterisk* are obligatory.

First Name* Surname*
Company Position
Telephone* E-mail*

LSSI-LOPD In accordance with Law (UE) 2016/679,from April 27, 2016 (GDPR), on Personal Data Protection, the interested parties are hereby informed that the data provided on the form will be included in a computerised file to be processed for the purpose of sending out commercial and general information by electronic means. At the same time, they are informed of the possibility to exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, in accordance with current legislation, by writing to Induxtra, Pere Alsius N.2 Pi.4 · Apt. 87 17820 Banyoles, GIRONA.

*I have read and accept the conditions of the Personal Data Protection Law-Internet Society Services Law.

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