In compliance with the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, covering information society services and electronic trading, INDUXTRA DE SUMINISTROS LLORELLA, S.A., I.D.S., S.A. informs users that it is a limited company registered in the Girona Mercantile Registry in volume 318, book 231, section 3, folio 170, sheet 4321, entry 1, and with Tax Id. number ES A-17055153.
In accordance with Law 15/99, of 13th of December, on Personal Data Protection, the interested parties are hereby informed that the data provided on the form will be included in a computerised file to be processed for the purpose of sending out commercial and general information by electronic means. At the same time, they are informed of the possibility to exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, in accordance with current legislation, by writing to Induxtra, Pere Alsius N.2 Pi.4 ยท Apt. 87
17820 Banyoles, GIRONA.